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Let's be real...

Ok, so, let's be real.... I haven't posted on this blog in like a year. This is mainly because right after I started it I also started my official pursuit of my medical career by begining to apply for medical school.. which is much more demanding than it sounds. At least, that was worth it since I have been accepted to Oklahoma State Univeristy College of Osteopathic Medicine and will be going to school there for the next four years starting this August :) I'm a little excited about that! However, even though I didn't regularly post, I did however read and really enjoy some great books! I read :

Last summer and it was a very uplifting and encouraging book! More recently I read :

Which is an amazing fiction book!!!!!! Like seriously, currently my favorite book! It is expertly written with amazing insight into medicine and all that comes with the profession. Charles Martin paints a picture that makes you keep wanting to open the book and flip the pages to find out what happens and where the crickets come in, ha!

And last week, after I finally completed Heart Wide Open (see previous post for why it took me so long to read) I also read :

Which was a great book to read the summer before I head off to become a D.O.!! OSU provided me with this book during interview week in February, but with school and senior year and everything I just got around to reading it all the way through. It included the history of the profession which was most interesting for me since I generally already had a good sense of the profession and it's unique qualities. If you don't know what a D.O. is or what makes us (I will be one soon :) ) different, then this is a good read. I read it in a day, its an easy read and at the end you will know what makes a D.O. different.

So to sum up, My blogging has been slacking, but my reading has been catching up and this summer my plans include READING AS MANY BOOKS AS I CAN! Like, literally, my to-do list consists of half books to read... So, I'm off to read a new book, at least to me, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.

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